The cover art for all of my albums is extremely important to me. The covers represent not only my music but are a reflection of the times as well.
The 70's were an amazing time for everyone! Women were becoming liberated, the sexual energy that had started with the hippies in the 60's was cranking up even higher, drugs were everywhere, and the music reflected those changes.
My album was a hip funky blend of jazz rock and latin beats played by some of the greatest musicians of the time! Joe Henderson Carlos Santana Noel Schon Coke Esocvedo George Cables Rico Reyes Greg Rolle Mark Levine and of course me...Luis Gasca!
Even now when I listen to this album I think it is an amazing awesome blend of music that has worn well over the years and doesn't sound dated. But then again we weren't worried about labels or "genre's" then it was the 70's and it was about the music..jpg)